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Минск: Логвинов И.П, 2010
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Война причиняет мне боль -
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Auschwitz 1940-1945: Central issues in the history of the camp. Volune 1 -
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Auschwitz 1940-1945: Central issues in the history of the camp. Volune 2 -
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Auschwitz 1940-1945: Central issues in the history of the camp. Volune 3 -
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(388 ст.)
Auschwitz 1940-1945: Central issues in the history of the camp. Volune 4 -
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Oswiecim, 1996
(84 ст.)
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(96 ст.)
Promemoria: Information Bulletin. 5-6 -
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Oswiecim, 1999
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Oswiecim, 2001
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Promemoria: Information Bulletin. 15
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